Maldives News Bulletin - Volume 138

Discover latest updates of the Government

Date: September 17, 2024 | Issue 138

Increasing greenery and planting trees are cost-effective, efficient solutions to combat environmental impacts: President

President Dr Mohamed Muizzu has stated that increasing greenery and planting trees are cost-effective and efficient solutions to combat environmental impacts. The President made the remarks in a social media post on World Ozone Day (WOD).

This year’s WOD theme is “Montreal Protocol: Advancing Climate Action.”

President Dr Mohamed Muizzu and First Lady Sajida Mohamed inaugurated the Five Million Trees Planting Programme earlier in June this year on World Environment Day 2024. This is a significant presidential pledge to plant five million trees across the Maldives.

Launching the Five Million Trees Planting Programme shows the administration’s commitment to protecting the nation’s fragile environmental ecosystems and combating climate change, thereby trying to minimise the present and future impacts for the benefit of future generations. This is by far the largest tree plantation project ever launched in the Maldives.

Source: The President’s Office

Maldives, Japan Sign Exchange of Notes for seawall renovation

The Government of Maldives and the Government of Japan signed the Exchange of Notes for the Project for Disaster Resilience Enhancement in Malé Island.

The Notes were signed at a ceremony held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday. Foreign Minister Moosa Zameer and the Ambassador of Japan to the Maldives Takeuchi Midori signed the Exchange of Notes.

Under the Japanese Economic and Social Development Programme, this Exchange of Notes signifies the first phase of a comprehensive project aimed at renovating the Malé seawall. The assistance, amounting to 20 million Japanese Yen, (USD 140,000) will support the design phase of the seawall renovation, which is critical to the safety and resilience of the capital city. 

During the ceremony, Minister Zameer highlighted the significance of this initiative in safeguarding the Maldives from the increasing threat of rising sea levels and other climate-related disasters. He emphasised that the project is yet another testament to the enduring friendship between the Maldives and Japan, ensuring continued protection for future generations.

Referring to the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, Minister Zameer underscored that Male’ City and its inhabitants were protected significantly from the destructive disaster by the seawall constructed with the generous assistance from the Government of Japan in the 1990s.

Minister Zameer expressed his gratitude to the Government of Japan for their generous assistance, mentioning the close and friendly relations between the two countries. He noted that projects like this underscore Japan’s ongoing role as a key partner in the Maldives’ development journey.

The signing ceremony was attended by Minister of Construction and Infrastructure Dr. Abdulla Muththalib, senior officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Construction and Infrastructure, Ministry of Finance, the Embassy of Japan, and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Implementation of the FTA between the Maldives, China will facilitate increased benefits for businesses, the public: Chief Spokesperson

Chief Spokesperson at the President’s Office, Heena Waleed, stated that the implementation of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the Maldives and China will facilitate increased benefits for businesses and the general public. She made these remarks during a press conference held at the President’s Office this evening. The Minister of Dhivehi Language, Culture and Heritage, Adam Naseer Ibrahim also joined the press conference.

Heena Waleed highlighted that the Maldives and China already engage in bilateral trade amounting to approximately over USD 700 million. She further emphasized that the implementation of the Free Trade Agreement between the two nations would offer additional advantages, including facilitating current account transactions using the currencies of both countries, encouraging direct investments, easing travel for Maldivians, and improving access to goods and services.

A key benefit will be the ability to conduct transactions using the Maldivian Rufiyaa (MVR). She also noted that the agreement’s implementation would lessen the reliance on the USD for transportation and business-related transactions.

During the press conference, Minister Adam Naseer Ibrahim delivered a comprehensive report on the Ministry’s achievements thus far and ongoing initiatives. In his remarks, the Minister underscored the latest advancements in the development of site museums nationwide, efforts to foster patriotism, and the continuous work aimed at reviving and preserving the country’s heritage.

Source: The President’s Office

Gov’t aims to develop museums in various locations of Maldives

Minister of Dhivehi Language, Culture and Heritage Adam Naseer Ibrahim has announced the government’s goal of developing museums in various locations of the Maldives.

Minister Adam Naseer said that the history of the nation is a vibrant one, spanning thousands of years and as such, preserving this is a vital aspect of our nationhood. He noted that preservation efforts must be economically feasible, and as such, development of museums and other similar projects will be considered and included in next year’s budget. 

The National Museum in Male’ City showcases several cultural items from various islands across the nation. Atolls have also been developing similar museums to display artefacts and benefitting from them, especially by showcasing the rich culture and heritage of the Maldives to tourists.

The Ministry has been in negotiations with the World Heritage List to list the limestone mosques on the List, with the Ministry investing in the development of a laboratory to treat vulnerable cultural items. 

Source: PSM

Parliament approves Abbas as Prosecutor General

Parliament has approved the appointment of former High Court Justice Abbas Shareef as the new Prosecutor General. The committee reached this decision with the unanimous vote of 85 members who took part in the vote.

President Dr Mohamed Muizzu submitted Abbas’ name for the Prosecutor General position to Parliament on September 11. Following this, the Judiciary Committee of Parliament interviewed Abbas and approved his appointment to the post unanimously by the committee members. During the interview, Abbas received a remarkable 93.91 percent approval rating.

In his statements, Abbas emphasized his commitment to impartiality and his dedication to fulfilling his legal responsibilities without bias. He clarified that he had not been influenced or encouraged by the President or any politicians to seek this role. Abbas assured that, if appointed, he would remain unaffected by external pressures.

Abbas highlighted his experience presiding over significant political and criminal cases during his tenure as a High Court judge, maintaining an unbiased approach. He pledged to continue this impartiality in his role as Prosecutor General. He expressed a desire to focus on rehabilitation and preventative measures for minor offenses, aiming to build a crime-free society rather than solely pursuing convictions.

Source: PSM

Amendment to the Company Act approved by Parliament

The Parliament has passed the amendment proposed to the Company Act to shorten the period given to hold the extraordinary general meetings of the company. The amendment introduced by Parliamentarian Ismail Nizar seeking to expedite procedures related to special general meetings for companies, was passed by the vote of 85 parliamentarians.

Under the proposed changes, companies would be required to issue invitations to special general meetings within three days of receiving written notice, compared to the current 21-day requirement. Additionally, the meeting must be held within 10 days of the notice, replacing the existing three-month timeframe. Furthermore, companies would need to provide a seven-day notice for special general meetings, as opposed to the current 14-day notice period.

While presenting the bill to the parliament, Nizar highlighted that the amendment aims to facilitate a more dynamic business environment and improve corporate governance.

The proposed changes also include provisions for increasing the number of members on the boards of directors for both public and private companies.

The bill was reviewed by Parliament and referred to the Parliamentary Committee on Economic Affairs, which unanimously approved it without further amendments, before sending it back for Parliamentary approval.

Source: PSM

Phase two of Bunkering Project involves launching projects in Ihavandhippolhu Atoll

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Maldives Ports Limited (MPL) Mohamed Wajeeh Ibrahim has revealed that several initiatives will be launched in Ihavandhippolhu Atoll, under the second phase of the bunkering services.

The government decided to initiate bunkering services in the Maldives, aiming to diversify the economy and generate more revenue.

Speaking to PSM News, MPL’s CEO Wajeeh disclosed that MPL is finalising preparations to initiate the bunkering services, scheduled for September 19. Under this new service, MPL will offer 14 maritime services, including pilotage, crew changes, provisioning of food and beverages, maintenance, and tug services.

He added that Hoarafushi island in Haa Alif Atoll is part of this service expansion, with the island to be expanded to develop an oil terminal as well as a container terminal. Both these terminals are to be developed to international standards.

In addition to Hoarafushi island, Ihavandhoo island is to undergo rapid changes, Wajeeh said. As such, Ihavandhoo Island will see the establishment of deep-sea maintenance services for northbound vessels, as well as a dockyard.

Uligan island is another island that will see a rapid change, he added. As such, Uligan island will see the creation of a yacht marina and a cruise terminal. He stated that six parties have shown interest in this development.

Source: PSM

Agencies deliberate harmonising regulations for tourists visiting local islands

The Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Cities and Local Government and Public Works, the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, and the Maldives Police Service (MPS) has held discussions to harmonise regulations for tourists visiting local islands. 

The Ministry of Cities and Local Government and Public Works cited that this was a vital set of dialogues, taking in the sensitivities of islands communities considering the challenges posed by rapid rise of local tourism across the nation. 

Some islands have specific rules for tourists, including signage in local villages that inform visitors about dress codes and public behaviour expectations. However, this is not standard across all islands, leading to inaccurate reporting of regrettable incidents.

Source: PSM

India to establish permanent route for perishable goods to Kulhudhuffushi

Maldives Ports Limited (MPL) and India are working to establish a permanent supply route for importing perishable goods to Kulhudhuffushi City in Haa Dhaalu Atoll, as reported by the Chief Executive Officer of the agency, Mohamd Wajeeh Ibrahim.

Speaking to PSM News, Wajeeh highlighted that the port in Kulhudhuffushi has not seen significant development in the last 19 years and has been operating at a loss. He said initiatives were underway to reverse this, with plans to set up a boatyard at the port for constructing fiberglass boats, and a jetty to facilitate easier access for vessels.

He also announced that MPL and India were in discussions to establish a permanent import route for perishables from India, with the aim to start by late September or early October. Wajeeh stressed that local businesses and stakeholders will be consulted prior to finalising any agreement. Once operational, he said that the imports from India are expected to provide cheaper goods to the region, with the possibility of shipments every 10 days depending on preferences of local businesses.

MPL and Hithadhoo Port Limited have collaborated with India’s Finance Group to ensure a consistent supply of perishable goods using steel cargo ships since July last year. The first cargo ship, carrying 150 tonnes of goods, docked in Addu on July 10 of this year. While the service initially struggled to gain traction in Addu, it has since found a market and is receiving positive feedback from local businesses.

Source: PSM

NDA launches programme to combat drug issues in Noonu Atoll

The National Drug Agency (NDA) is to launch a rehabilitation programme in Noonu Atoll, in collaboration with Noonu Atoll Council.

The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) pertaining to the programme was signed by the Deputy Minister of Homeland Security and Technology and Acting Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of NDA Mohamed Raashid and the President of Noonu Atoll Council Mohamed Basheer.

The programme focuses on the treatment of addiction and rehabilitation of individuals mired in such addiction. NDA will identify the extent of drug issues in the atoll and conduct a Need and Readiness Assessment to collect information regarding the most effective treatment measures.

Following the assessment, a pilot programme will be held for six months in a designated island of the atoll. Physical and mental health treatment will be provided under this programme, and a special system will be established for individuals interested in undertaking the rehabilitation programme, to register.

To conduct this program a team of specially trained volunteers will be deployed. Additionally, a Monitoring and Evaluation Framework will be formulated and implemented to analyse the benefits and impacts of the programme. NDA will be the lead agency of the programme, responsible for the monitoring and evaluation framework.

Source: PSM